The Americans are threatening to boycott the Olympic Games if no Jewish athletes are on the German Olympic team. For this reason, the Jewish high jumper, Gretel Bergmann (Karoline Herfurth), one of the best at the time, is invited to participate in the German training camp. In the eyes of the Nazis, however, she absolutely must not win: so the Sports Director for the German Reich provides a competitor for Gretel, an unknown "female athlete" named Marie Ketteler (Sebastian Urzendowsky) who is to beat Gretel in the Olympic qualifiers. But the National Socialists did not take into consideration that after some initial issues, the two outsiders and putative competitors might become friends. In the end, it remains to be seen if the two will join forces to usurp the Nazi's intrigues, or if athletic ambitions win out.
Theatrical Release Date
Original Languages: German
Genre: Drama, Biography
Running Time: 100 min.
Year: 2009