Woody Allen's YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER follows a pair of married couples, Alfie (Anthony Hopkins) and Helena (Gemma Jones), and their daughter Sally (Naomi Watts) and husband Roy (Josh Brolin), as their passions, ambitions, and anxieties lead them into trouble and out of their minds. Despite these characters' attempts to dodge their problems with pipe dreams and impracticable plans, their efforts lead only to heartache, irrationality, and perilous hot water. Taking its title from the prediction fortune tellers use to beguile their marks, YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER, illustrates with wry humor how easy it is for our illusions to make fools of us all.
Theatrical Release Date
Friday, October 22, 2010
Original Languages: English
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 99 min.
Year: 2010