Climb, The


Kyle and Mike are best friends who share a close bond - until Mike sleeps with Kyle's fiancée. The Climb is about a tumultuous but enduring relationship between two men across many years of laughter, heartbreak and rage. It is also the story of real-life best friends who turn their profound connection into a rich, humane and frequently uproarious film about the boundaries (or lack thereof) in all close friendships.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, November 13, 2020
Original Languages: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Running Time: 94 min.
Year: 2020


Gayle Rankin
Talia Balsam
Todd Barry
Michael Angelo Covino
Kyle Marvin
Un film de
Michael Angelo Covino



Director Michael Angelo Covino. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.
Left to Right: Michael Angelo Covino as Mike, Judith Godrèche as Ava Photo by Zach Kuperstein. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.
Left to Right: Kyle Marvin as Kyle, Michael Angelo Covino as Mike, Gayle Rankin as Marissa Photo by Zach Kuperstein. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.
Left to Right: Kyle Marvin as Kyle, Michael Angelo Covino as Mike Photo by Zach Kuperstein. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.
Left to Right: Kyle Marvin as Kyle, Michael Angelo Covino as Mike Photo by Zach Kuperstein. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.
Left to Right: Gayle Rankin as Marissa, Kyle Marvin as Kyle, Michael Angelo Covino as Mike Photo by Zach Kuperstein. Courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.