
Moon is a superior example of that threatened genre, hard science-fiction, which is often about the interface between humans and alien intelligence of one kind of or other, including digital.
- Ebert, ChicagoSun Times
The under-appreciated Rockwell finally gets a leading role -- make that roles -- worthy of his considerable talent.
- Peter Howell, The Toronto Star
This is a deep and inventive exploration into the human psyche, made believable thanks to a wonderful performance from Rockwell.
- Ben Lyons, At the Movies


Starring: Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey. Sam Bell is nearing the end of his contract with Lunar. He's been a faithful employee for 3 long years. His home has been Selene, a moon base where he has spent his days alone, mining Helium 3. The precious gas holds the key to reversing the Earth's energy crisis. Isolated, determined and steadfast, Sam has followed the rulebook obediently and his time on the moon has been enlightening, but uneventful. The solitude has given him time to reflect on the mistakes of his past and work on his raging temper. But 2 weeks shy of his departure from Selene, Sam starts seeing things, hearing things and feeling strange. And when a routine extraction goes horribly wrong, he discovers that Lunar have their own plans for replacing him and the new recruit is eerily familiar. Before he can return to Earth, Sam has to confront himself and the discovery that the life he has created, may not be his own. It's more than his contract that is set to expire.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, July 03, 2009
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Running Time: 97 min.
Year: 2009


Kevin Spacey
Matt Berry
Sam Rockwell
Un film de
Duncan Jones
