Day I Was Not Born, The

A FILM BY Florian Micoud Cossen

A solid drama, mixing historical tragedy with intergenerational conflict.""""
- Variety


Whilst changing flights in Buenos Aires on her way to Chile, and without knowing a word of Spanish, a young German woman feels connected with Argentina when she hears a children’s song and decides to stay in the country to get to know it, and herself, better. Her father returns to Buenos Aires to join her and confesses that she was born in Argentina , a daughter of one of the “Disappeared”, during the years of military dictatorship. The father has to fight not to lose his daughter because of the lie.

Theatrical Release Date

Original Languages: German, Spanish
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 95 min.
Year: 2010


Jessica Schwarz
Michael Gwisdek
Rafael Ferro
Un film de
Florian Micoud Cossen
