
Directed with a keen sense of atmosphere.
- John Fink, The Film Stage
where many cooker-cutter clichés about single girls in their thirties...fall short, Jacob Tierney’s Preggoland presents this demographic honestly
- Heather Magee, The National Post


When 35-year-old Ruth ruins a baby shower with her juvenile antics, her old high school cronies-who are all mothers now-promptly de-friend her. But when she is later mistakenly thought to be ‘with child’ she is inexplicably welcomed back into the group. Although she initially tries to come clean, the many perks of pregnancy are far too seductive to ignore. Preggoland is a comedy about our societal obsession with babies and the lengths we’ll go to be part of a club.

Theatrical Release Date

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Original Languages: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Running Time: 109 min.
Year: 2014


Sonja Bennett
James Caan
Danny Trejo
Paul Campbell
Un film de
Jacob Tierney
