

Based on events from a 1998 lawsuit, PERCY follows small-town farmer Percy Schmeiser, who challenges a major conglomerate when the company’s genetically modified (GMO) canola is discovered in the 70-year-old farmer’s crops. As he speaks out against the company’s business practices, he realizes he is representing thousands of other disenfranchised farmers around the world fighting the same battle. Suddenly, he becomes an unsuspecting folk hero in a desperate war to protect farmers’ rights and the world’s food supply against what they see as corporate greed.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, October 16, 2020
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, Biography
Running Time: 99 min.
Year: 2020


Christopher Walken
Christina Ricci
Zach Braff
Luke Kirby
Adam Beach
Martin Donovan
Peter Stebbings
Roberta Maxwell
Un film de
Clark Johnson



Christopher Walken as PERCY in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Christopher Walken as PERCY in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Zach Braff as JACKSON in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Centre: Christina Ricci as REBECCA in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Clark Johnson, director of PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Left to Right: Roberta Maxwell as LOUISE, Christopher Walken as PERCY in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.
Christopher Walken as PERCY in PERCY. Image courtesy of Mongrel Media.