Under the Mountain

A FILM BY Jonathan King

Entertaining, well-mounted Kiwi children's thriller.
- Variety, Russell Edwards
Les effets visuels sont exceptionnels!
- Ryan Mason, CHUD
Manifiquement tourné


When teenage twins Rachel and Theo investigate the creepy old house next door, they discover the Wilberforces—shape-shifting creatures that lurk beneath Auckland's ring of extinct volcanoes. Guided by the mysterious Mr. Jones (Sam Neill), and with the help of their older cousin Ricky, the twins must rekindle the unique powers they once shared if they are to destroy this ancient evil...before it destroys them.

Theatrical Release Date

Original Languages: English
Genre: Thriller, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama
Running Time: 91 min.
Year: 2009


Oliver Driver
Sophie McBride
Tom Cameron
Sam Neill
Un film de
Jonathan King
