
... a thoughtful, bracing drama...
- Jason Anderson, Eye Weekly
The movie is beautifully shot, and succeeds in being deeply disturbing and mysterious, with richly achieved nuances of characterisation. I have seen it two or three times now, and each time it gets better.
- Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
We live on the fault line along with these characters, and it is an experience that is not easy to shake off.
- Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times


On an annual fishing trip, in isolated high country, Stewart, Carl, Rocco and Billy (‘the Kid’) find a girl’s body in the river. It’s too late in the day for them to hike back to the road and report their tragic find. The next morning, instead of making the long trek back, they spend the day fishing. Their decision to stay on at the river is a little mysterious—almost as if the place itself is exerting some kind of magic over them. When the men finally return home to Jindabyne, and report finding the body, all hell breaks loose.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, May 11, 2007
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, World Cinema
Running Time: 123 min.
Year: 2007


Gabriel Byrne
Laura Linney
Un film de
Ray Lawrence