Burning the Future

As upsetting as it is informative.
- Matt Zoller Seitz, The New York Times
Every 2 weeks, Hiroshima-sized explosions are unleashed upon the mountains of West Virginia. For Coal.
This documentary deeply entrenches itself in the landscape, conveying both the beauty and the ravagement of the Appalachians.
- Ronnie Schieb, Variety


West Virginia provides coal to produce electricity for half the nation. Ironically, while preserving jobs, coal mining disfigures mountainsides, destroys plant and animal species and spreads toxic groundwater. Yet so effective is the coal industry's public relations campaign promoting "clean coal" that these long-term environmental disasters remain largely unreported. In response, documentary filmmaker David Novack provides an impassioned, harsh exposé of big coal. "As upsetting as it is informative" -- New York Times

Theatrical Release Date

Original Languages: English
Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 120 min.
Year: 2008


Maria Gunnoe
Bill Raney
Rocky Hackworth
Un film de
David Novack
