Escape from Auschwitz


After capturing Kazimierz Piechowski at the Hungarian border, he is sent to Auschwitz where he is forced to move corpses from the gas chambers to the crematorium.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, May 07, 2021
Original Languages: Czech with English subtitles

Running Time: 94
Year: 2020


Noel Czuczor
Peter Ondrejicka
John Hannah
Un film de
Peter Bebjak


Escape_From_Auschwitz_Christoph Bach and Florian Panzner - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_John Hannah - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_Noel Czuczor and Peter Ondrejička cellar 6 - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_prisoners - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_Florian Panzner 4 - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_John Hannah and director Peter Bebjak - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_Florian Panzner 7 - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_beaten prisoners - ©DNA Production
Escape_From_Auschwitz_barrack prisoners - ©DNA Production