"The Beautiful People" is a modern take on Madame de La Fayette's classic novel, The Princess of Clèves. Junie is just 16 years old when her mother dies and she finds herself starting at a new high school mid-year. She takes comfort in the company of Otto, a quiet boy who stands out from the crowd of Junie's many suitors. Their young romance is soon interrupted when Junie catches the eye of her Italian teacher, Mr. Nemours; he may be the love of her life, but he is also caught up in his own romantic problems. Junie will have to grow up fast to figure out who she loves, and what, if anything, will bring her happiness.
Theatrical Release Date
Friday, June 05, 2009
Original Languages: French, Italian
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Running Time: 90 min.
Year: 2008