Hungry Hearts

‘Hearts’ is a terrific example of how to use distinctive directorial style for storytelling purposes and is a showcase for two outstanding performances.
- Nikola Grozdanovic, The Playlist
Costanzo’s divisive Hungry Hearts lingers days after other movies fade to the background.
- Kent Turner, Film Forward
Hungry Hearts crée ainsi une atmosphère étouffante qui fait penser au Rosemary's Baby de Polanski.
- Alain Grasset, Le Parisien
Pas d'argumentaire psychanalytique dans ce récit impressionniste, judicieusement fondé sur la force des sensations et l'interprétation impeccable de ses acteurs.
- Marguerite Debiesse, Les Fiches du cinéma


New York City newlyweds Jude and Mina have a seemingly perfect relationship. But things take an unsettling turn with the birth of their son. Convinced that the baby must be kept free of all contaminants, Mina (Alba Rohrwacher) becomes increasingly isolated from the world and outrageously protective of the baby, while Jude (Adam Driver) tries to cope with his wife's escalating obsessions.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, June 05, 2015
Original Languages: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Romance
Running Time: 113 min.
Year: 2014


Adam Driver
Alba Rohrwacher
Roberta Maxwell
Un film de
Saverio Costanzo
