Director Abdellatif Kechiche’s critically acclaimed and awarding winning film, ‘The Secret of The Grain,’ is a poignant French drama that follows the story of a Tunisian immigrant, Slimane Beiji. One day, he is suddenly dismissed after 35 years as a shipyard worker. Ashamed that he can no longer provide for his family, he buys an old boat and opens up a restaurant that features his ex-wife’s couscous recipe as the signature dish. Along the way he faces contemptuous bankers, disapproving government workers and relentless urgings from his sons to return to his home country. His only supporter is from Rym, played by award-winning newcomer Hafsia Herzi, a loving daughter with a relentless drive. She is the catalyst that helps her father pursue his dreams.
This touching and beautifully composed film plunges into the heart of a changing culture, focusing on the trials and tribulations of a man and his family, and the dreams that inspire individuals to fight for their cause.
Theatrical Release Date
Friday, August 01, 2008
Original Languages: French
Genre: Drama, World Cinema
Running Time: 154 min.
Year: 2007