The tale of a beautiful royalist English gentlewoman, Grace Elliott, living perilously in France during the Revolution, and her sometimes affectionate, sometimes tempestuous relationship with Philippe, Duke of Orleans, a cousin of King Louis XVI but nonetheless a supporter of revolutionary ideas. The Lady manages to persuade the Duke to rescue an outlaw, but fails to keep him from voting for the King’s execution.
Grace Elliott was born into an old Scottish family in about 1760 and studied in France. She became the mistress of the Prince of Wales, later George IV, to whom she bore a daughter. Then Prince Phillipe, Duke of Orleans, noticed her and brought her back to France in 1786. Their romance was over by the time the Revolution began, but despite their political differences, they remained close friends. The film was inspired by Grace Elliott’s memoirs, Journal of My Life During the French Revolution.
Theatrical Release Date
Original Languages: French
Genre: Drama, World Cinema
Running Time: 129 min.
Year: 2001