Rust and Bone

A FILM BY Jacques Audiard

A tour de force
- A.O. Scott, The NY Times
Marion Cotillard, who won an so possessed of talent, allure and exquisite grace that you follow her anywhere
- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
Unvarnished, forthright performances from Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts.
- Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter
Un coup de coeur. Du grand art
- Normand Provencher, Le Soleil
Une oeuvre incandescente et magnifique, digne des plus hautes distinctions
- Marc-André Lussier, La Presse
Intense, délicat et poignant
- Cédric Bélanger ,


It all begins in the North of France. Ali suddenly finds himself with a five year-old child on his hands. Sam is his son, but he hardly knows him. Homeless, penniless and friendless, Ali takes refuge with his sister in Antibes. There things improve immediately. She puts them up in her garage, she takes the child under her wing and the weather is glorious. Ali first runs into Stephanie during a night club brawl. He drives her home and leaves her his phone number. He is poor, she is beautiful and self-assured, a princess: his complete opposite. Stephanie trains killer whales at Marineland. When a performance ends in tragedy, a call in the night again brings them together. When Ali sees her next, his princess is confined to a wheel chair: she has lost her legs and quite a few illusions. He simply helps her, with no compassion or pity. And she comes alive again.

Theatrical Release Date

Friday, December 14, 2012
Original Languages: French, English
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 120 min.
Year: 2012


Matthias Schoenaerts
Marion Cotillard
Armand Verdure
Un film de
Jacques Audiard