Thomas (Aaron Webber) snoops around at Cynaco in A STONES THROW. Photo by Jeff Wheaton.
Jack (Kris Holden-Reid, Left) and Lia (Lisa Ray, Right) clean up the classroom in A STONES THROW. Photo by Mike Tomkins.
Lia (Lisa Ray) enjoys the view in A STONES THROW. Photo by Edsart Besier.
Camelia Friedberg (Director) with Kris Holden-Reid on the set of A STONES THROW. Photo by Garfield Lindsay Miller.
Jack (Kris Holden-Reid) prepares to investigate the mines in A STONES THROW. Photo by Jeff Wheaton.
Thomas (Aaron Webber, Left) ponders his eyesight as Jack (Kris Holden-Reid, Right) looks on in A STONES THROW. Photo by Mike Tomkins.
Olivia (Kathryn MacLellan) tell the story of the Root Children in STONES THROW. Photo by Mike Tomkins.
Lia (Lisa Ray, Left) and Jack (Kris Holden-Reid, Right) in A STONES THROW. Photo by Edsart Besier.