Nightmare Beach

UN FILM DE Harry Kirkpatrick


Convicted murderer Edwin "Diablo" Santor, head of "the Demons", a vicious motorcycle gang, has just been executed. Before dying, he swears to Gail that he did not kill her sister. It's Spring Break ! The annual hordes of college students from the frozen North invade the beaches of sunny Florida for the Easter vacation bash. Skip and Ronnie, two college students, are in the same hotel. They meet local resident Gail pushing beers at the beside bar. Ronnie gets drunk and is picking up by Trina, girlfriend of Dawg the local Hells Angels leader. Ronnie follows Trina into a trap. The bikers beat him up and leave him there. Minutes later the mystery rider zaps him. The next day, Skip searches for his missing friend and ends up at the Demon's hangout...

Date de sortie

Genre: Drama, Horror
Durée: 92 mins.
Année: 1988


Nicolas De Toth
Rawley Valverde
Sarah G. Buxton
Un film de
Harry Kirkpatrick