Brighton Rock

UN FILM DE John Boulting


The scene is Brighton, with holidaymakers awaiting the arrival of Kolley Kibber, who is working on a stunt for his newspaper. A gang, led by Pinkie Brown, recognize Kibber as the man indirectly responsible for the death of a former gang leader. Kibber, recognizing the vicious young Pinkie, fears his life is in danger. He is right: his body is later washed ashore. Spicer, one of the gang, ensures an alibi by leaving Kibber's cards at various places. But he gets an attack of nerves, and Pinkie arranges for a rival gang to eliminate him.

Date de sortie

Genre: Crime, Drama
Durée: 93 mins.
Année: 1948


Richard Attenborough
Hermione Baddeley
William Hartnell
Un film de
John Boulting