Even if you know it's the story of a legendary hockey team and not the fierce Soviet-era military machine, you will be surprised by its sociopolitical and personal content and the engaging way it tells its story.
- Kenneth Turan, The LA Times
In “Red Army,” the swirling, interlocking parabolas of Soviet hockey live again.
- Jeff Z. Klein, The New York Times
[Red Army] reveals the strengths of the Soviet athletic program and the weaknesses of our own — a star-driven, money-flaunting braggart that, er, shares the same flaws as capitalism.
- Amy Nicholson, The Village Voice
Ce film inspirant, sans complaisance, truffé de fabuleuses images d'archives, qui nous rappelle que le hockey n'est pas qu'un sport. C'est parfois un grand art.
- Marc Cassivi, La Presse