Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us?

'Queen of the Sun' is a beautiful nature film, with gorgeous, multicolored shots of bees and flowers. It also is a well-made documentary about the troubles of the honeybee.
- V.A. Musetto, The New York Post
Queen"" sheds much-needed light on a disaster in progress.""
- Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times


This engaging and uplifting film tells the story of the catastrophic disappearance of bees and takes us inside the mysterious world of the beehive. From the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world, Queen of the Sun reveals both the problems and solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature. “One of the most beautiful nature films I’ve seen.” – Roger Ebert, CHICAGO TIMES

Date de sortie

Langue originale: English
Genre: Documentary, Drama, Environment
Durée: 83 min.
Année: 2010


Gunther Hauk
Michael Pollan
Vandana Shiva
Un film de
Taggart Siegel