At once delicate and clumsy, tender and twee, “Restless” wraps the pain of grief and impending mortality in the balm of a teenage love story.
- Justin Chang, Variety
It is wholly fresh and beguiling. It's not a facile fantasy or a dreamy romantic comedy, but an attempt by these two characters to steal a little happiness from the inexorable march of time.
- Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun Times
Mr. Van Sant...directs young actors with enormous sympathy accompanied by just the right measure of grown-up detachment. And Ms. Wasikowska, embracing the static, romantic conceit of her character, also transcends it
- A.O. Scott, The NY Times
C'est une oeuvre lumineuse et mélancolique, émouvante et attendrissante, sur le deuil, doublée d'une romance adolescente subtile, qui rappelle à certains égards Garden State ou encore Juno
- Marc Cassivi, La Presse
un joli hymne à la vie où les talentueux Mia Wasichowska et Henry Hopper forment un couple des plus ravissants
- Philippe Gajan, 24 images