Playboy of the Western World

UN FILM DE Brian-Desmond Hurst


Weary and disheveled, Christy Mahon stumbles into a remote inn on the sweeping Irish coast of County Mayo. He tells a captivating story, claiming that he has murdered his tyrannical father by hitting him on the head with a spade. Pegeen Mike, the innkeeper's daughter, is enthralled, and she persuades her father to employ Christy as a pot-boy. However, no sooner has Christy established himself as the village hero and an object of adoration in every female eye, than his father turns up - in excellent health and vowing vengeance! And the playboy's life - and the lives of all around him - becomes even more joyously complicated.

Date de sortie

Genre: Comedy
Durée: 100 mins.
Année: 1970


Elspeth March
Gary Raymond
Siobhan Mckenna
Un film de
Brian-Desmond Hurst